Target Housing
Target Housing: giving homes to the people society rejects
Target Housing’s clients often have multiple needs, from addictions to mental health issues and disabilities. Many have been turned away from other housing providers and some are in the last five years of life.
Social Problem
Hostels and social housing providers often can’t provide adequate support for people with complex needs and take a no tolerance approach to drugs, alcohol and challenging behaviour. As a result, some of the most vulnerable people in society can find it almost impossible to access long-term accommodation.
Target Housing provides homes for people who would otherwise be on the street. Their clients often have multiple needs, including drug addiction, alcohol dependency, mental health issues and learning disabilities. The charity’s newest project, THRIVE, provides life-long housing and support for the most difficult to place homeless people, whose lives have been significantly impacted by adverse experiences, trauma and instability, and who may have been turned away by other services.
Many of THRIVE’s clients have physical disabilities, such as limb loss. Many are nearing the end of their lives. Target Housing offers them stability and support, no strings attached.
Target Housing has been operating for more than 30 years. In 2008, the charity decided to take a step forward and buy its first properties. It secured funding from the Futurebuilders England fund and a loan from Charity Bank. Since then, the charity has increased its borrowing to buy more properties. It now owns almost 100 properties, around 40 of which it’s bought with the help of Charity Bank. Target’s most recent loan is helping it to buy several one bed properties for THRIVE clients.
“I’m very glad we went with Charity Bank. It’s been a brilliant partnership over the years. It’s always felt like we were talking to a real person; it never feels corporate. They take the time to understand what we do and who we are. It feels like we’re all working together.”
Shaun Needham, CEO of Target Housing
By providing a permanent home and intensive support, Target has helped many of its clients to turn their lives around. The impact stretches beyond the beneficiaries alone. The people THRIVE is focusing on are often in need of support from the emergency services and other public resources, resulting in costs of up to £250,000 a year for each person. A more stable life helps people to reduce their reliance on these services, freeing up public resources for other areas.
“I’m a resident with Target and I think they’re a wonderful service. They’ve done a lot for me. I work with Eliza, who is absolutely phenomenal. I’ve quit drugs. I’ve still got to get off beer, but that’s for another day. I’m doing well, really well.”
Tobyn, a client of Target Housing
About Charity Bank
Charity Bank is the loans and savings bank owned by and committed to supporting the social sector. Since 2002, we have used our savers’ money to make more than 1280 loans totalling over £500m to housing, education, social care, community and other social purpose organisations.
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